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Million to Trillion

Welcome to million to trillion, our website explaining the conversion of millions to trillions.

One million in numbers is 1000000 (one followed by six zeros), or 1,000,000 if spelled using thousand separators.

The numeral million is usually abbreviated as m.

These days, the meaning of trillion in both, American and British English, is 1000000000000 (one followed by twelve zeros), or 1,000,000,000,000 for better legibility.

For the numeral trillion we use the abbreviation tn.

Million to Trillion Calculator

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In the next part we show you how to convert million to trillion, and there you can also find useful information regarding languages other than English.

How to Convert Million to Trillion?

To change a million to trillion divide the number in millions by 1000000.

For example, 2 million = 0.000002 (2 / 1000000) trillion, 100 million = 0.0001 trillion etc.

Easier, however, is using our million to trillion calculator above.

Thus, the difference between million and trillion is the factor of 1000000.

A trillion is a million times bigger than a million, and a million is a million times less than a trillion.

Here you can convert trillion to million.

One million, the natural number preceding 1000001 and following 999999, is always thousand times thousand.

Note that some languages different from modern English, including, but not limited to, Spanish, German, French, and Portuguese employ the term trillion for 1018.

Thus, in languages making use of the long scale notation one trillion is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 (eighteen zeros).

To avoid ambiguity, consider employing scientific notation: scientificnotation.org.

For example: 1 tn in short scale = 1012.

Note that a million is the the same on short scale and long scale

Frequently Asked Questions

How many millions are in 1 trillion?

1 trillion = 1000000 million

What is 1000 million called?

It is called a billion

What is bigger than a trillion?


Ahead we have the summary of million vs trillion.


You have reached our concluding section, and we would like bring to your attention that there are many more short forms for million and trillion than m and tn, respectively.

So always make sure you get your numbers right, and consider employing either scientific notation or thousand separators for the sake of disambuigity.

The image wraps the million to trillion conversion up:
Further Information:– Article written by Mark, last updated on March 5th, 2024